Commercial Services

GYM to Office Conversion With Polyurethane Void Fill

Downtown Lakewood, in the Belmar Shopping District, a 24 Hour Fitness GYM has closed it doors & lifted their last weights.  The premier shopping district of Belmar is renovating that exact 2nd story space into mix of additional retail locations, appartments,...

Shepherd Of The Valley: Crawlspace Encapsulation

SVLC is expanding the interior of their building around ~1,000 square feet.  Next, they'll be installing the structural wood flooring installed above this crawlspace.  SLVC was approved of this project by a structural engineer and the local city of Westminster. ...

Denver Zoo Hippo Enclosure Void Fill

The Denver Zoo hippo enclosure floor drain leaked underground for years; causing the subsoil to erode over time. Considering those concrete slabs support a 4,500lb hippopotamus, concrete settling into a 500 sq ft void is a serious concern. Our experienced...

2023 ReMax Convention

Many real estate transactions involve negotiations on the home's condition; including Liftech's specialties like the home's foundation or concrete.  Partnering with Real Estate Agents means we are trusted with their clients & personal brands.  A responsibility...

Liftech’s Concrete Leveling for Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings can prove to be just as vulnerable if not more vulnerable to concrete settling than residential concrete slabs. In many cases, commercial slabs are under much more constant weight of machinery and equipment. Just recently, we were hired to...

Poly Trucks
Concrete Cracks: Types and Common Causes

Concrete Cracks: Types and Common Causes Anyone who has walked down the sidewalk has seen cracks in concrete before but may not have given much thought to them. That is, until your concrete driveway, floor, or foundation cracks and you require concrete repair...

signs you need concrete leveling - sinking walkway
Liftech Saves Commercial Properties and Facilities Time and Money

Concrete Leveling Saves Commercial Properties Time & Money Liftech Polyurethane Concrete Raising is a perfect solution for commercial properties and facilities with settling interior floors. We know that your company’s productivity is paramount to its success!...