Foundation Crack Repair

Foundation Crack Repair Services

If you're noticing a crack, get it inspected by Liftech
On-Site Estimate

When You Need To Worry About Foundation Cracks.

Tiny hairline cracks should be sealed as soon as possible, but they don’t pose as much of a threat as larger cracks.

Call a professional immediately if you notice cracks are:

Foundation cracks wider than 1/2 inch need inspection


Wider on one side than the other


horizontal or diagonal cracks in your foundation are signs your foundation is failing


cracks above your windows or doors need foundation crack repair inspection


Is The Foundation Crack Leaking Water?

Learn More About Our Moisture Control & Waterproofing Solutions For Foundation Cracks:

Types of Foundation Cracks To Look For

All types of foundation cracks are serious and should be inspected as soon as possible, as they may be signs you need foundation repair. Ignoring them could have terrible consequences for your home!

Horizontal Cracks

Horizontal cracks are the most serious and damaging type of foundation crack. They’re a sign that your home’s structural integrity could be at risk. These cracks can be found in homes with concrete foundations, but are much more commonly found in homes with brick foundations. There are plenty of causes of horizontal foundation cracks, but the most common are external soil pressure and hydrostatic pressure.  Given that your basement walls can start to bow.

If you notice horizontal cracks in your foundation or basement, call us immediately! Leaving this kind of crack unattended could lead to extreme home damage that could render your home worthless without a proper foundation repair.

Fortunately, the foundation repair experts at Liftech can use state-of-the-art technology to secure and reinforce your foundation and prevent further damage. Depending on the size of the crack, different foundation repair methods can be required. With that said, it is imperative to hire a company versed in all facets of foundation repair, like Liftech.

Diagonal Cracks

Diagonal cracks are foundation cracks that run at a 30-75 degree angle along your foundation or basement wall. While these cracks are quite often thin, they are usually wider on one end. This could be a sign that one end of your foundation is settling more than the other. Known as “differential settling,” these cracks usually happen if your home is built on a hill.  In similar fashion, because of expansion and contraction of soil on one side of your home.

Treatment for this kind of crack is two-pronged. Once the crack is sealed using a urethane or epoxy, the issue of differential settling must also be addressed. This could be fixed with structural improvements and leveling. Given that, the solution might be as simple as installing new gutters to redirect water away from flood-prone areas. When areas near your foundation flood, that moisture increases the chance that a portion of your foundation will shift.

Keep in mind: the longer you wait to address diagonal cracks (or any cracks for that matter), the more damage your home will face. In other words, the more expensive the foundation repairs will be. Be proactive — call your local foundation repair experts at Liftech for a comprehensive cracked foundation estimate today.

Vertical Cracks

Vertical foundation cracks are perhaps the most common and least serious of all foundation cracks. Given that, you should still take action to avoid further foundation problems. These cracks are usually are completely vertical or within 30 degrees of vertical. These are fairly common for foundations in our area, and are a sign of foundation settling. Even brand new homes can develop these foundation cracks. On this occasion, a new home’s foundation can settle greatly in the first few years after construction.

Vertical cracks still need attention from a professional foundation repair team. Fortunately, this type of crack is the easiest and least expensive type of crack to fix. To seal these cracks, professional repairmen will take a urethane or epoxy material and inject it straight into the crack. This ensures a tight seal and prevents reopening or growth of the crack in the future.

Foundation Crack Repair guide

How To Monitor Cracks In Your Foundation

Monitoring the width of foundation cracks is ultimately the best way to avoid costly foundation repairs. Find 90-degree corners in your home where cracks originate, and measure the width of the cracks twice — for good measure, of course. Repeat this process frequently. If you notice a crack beginning to widen and one end, or the crack you’re measuring is a half-inch or wider, it’s time to get a professional foundation inspection.

Choose The Foundation Repair Experts at Liftech.

The earth is constantly moving, and so is your home. With that said, it’s only natural that shifting, expanding, and contracting can cause damage to your home’s foundation and compromise its structural integrity. It takes your careful eye to notice signs of trouble. So long as you identify foundation cracks, call the professionals, and protect your home.

That’s where Liftech can help. As Colorado’s leader in foundation repair, our crack repair technicians and foundation inspectors can identify the root cause of your cracks and seal them up. Our goal is to provide foundation corrections that can keep your home safe and stable for years to come. With that being said, it’s better to call us too early than too late. Comparatively an inexpensive foundation inspection and crack repair are always better than the alternative. You don’t want to end up with expensive repairs or irreversible home damage. The best part, Liftech is also a leading provider of concrete leveling services, so we can help with any cracking concrete. Call Liftech today to keep your home safe.

Is Your Foundation Crack Leaking?

Liftech specializes in permanently sealing foundation crack leaks from water intrusion using a no-excavation solution.  The result is a fully encapsulated basement that stops water intrusion. It’s a long-lasting solution that is quickly installed and minimizes impact to your home.  Review and see our commercial grade solution to eliminating water leaking through your foundation cracks.  

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